Friday, March 21, 2008


When Carrie and I were out looking at open-houses one Sunday afternoon we came across a charming smaller home that had recently undergone a pretty significant solar panel installation. In it the seller had a two way meter put in so he could send power back to the grid and get credit for it. Word is that he normally has about a $6.00 per month electric bill once it's settled.

While I still believe solar power has a long ways to go in becoming more efficient, it did get me thinking about it for our soon-to-buy house in Petaluma. I've not looked into it too much yet but it appears that there are rebates and credits for installing solar electrical panels so this is something I'm going to look into a little more. It's certainly not cheap to put in but you'll see power savings immediately and feel good about using clean power.

Here's one site I'm looking at:

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