Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Art of Creating Strong Passwords

A useful article with some tips for creating strong but easy-to-remember passwords. Some examples include:

We'll start with some easy ones:

Friday becomes frYday!
Robert becomes #robERt#
867-5309 becomes 8siX753o9
More complex passwords:

19 Peach Place becomes: 0ne9peacHpl!
I love Jill becomes: eYelov3Jill
My dog Fritz becomes MeyedogfrltZ

The Art of Creating Strong Passwords: "While security has never been more important than it is today, the fastest way for an IT professional to become the most despised person in the company is to start enforcing a strong password policy. A policy perceived as overbearing may cause people to write down their passwords on a sticky-note near their computers, circumventing its very purpose. Your policy will be ineffective if your users don't know how to create strong passwords that are easy to remember."

(Via Computerworld Breaking News.)

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