Monday, December 17, 2007

Awstats and Apache2

After fighting with the installation of awstats to quit giving me reports of 'corrupted' log files and errors on updates, I thought I'd post the sum of what it took to getting it to work correctly on my home *NX (Linux/UNIX) server.

In the awstats configuration page, I finally ended up using the combined LogFormat option (1). I then had to modify my virtual host logging format to the following:
%h %l %u %t "%r" %>s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-agent}i"

The standard examples I saw had slashes (\) in between each of the variables which caused me to get the corrupted log file message when I would update. I won't tell you how long it took me to figure that out but I now have it working again, amen. Nothing like a little trial and error.

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