Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A collection of additional Safari 4 Beta hidden settings

Here's my favorite page with settings, though you need to know what the 'Terminal' is to engage them...

A collection of additional Safari 4 Beta hidden settings: "In addition to restoring in-window tabs, it turns out that there are a number of other hidden preferences available in the Safari 4 Beta. In the interest of efficiency, I've chosen to list all of them that I know about (as of today, at least) in this one hint. As more are uncovered in the future, I'll run those as standalone hints. But for now, here's a list of seven (in addition to the one to move the tab bar) more tweaks you can apply to Safari 4 Beta.

Each of these are boolean variables, meaning they take a TRUE or FALSE argument. They also all default to TRUE, so to enable each one, you need to set its value to FALSE. To do that, use this command template in Terminal:

defaults write key_name -bool FALSE
Replace key_name with the variables as shown below. To disable any one of the hacks, you can either reverse the ...

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(Via Clippings.)

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